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ACTRIS - Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure

ACTRIS in Norway

ACTRIS is a European research infrastructure aiming to facilitate research and studies of aerosols, clouds and trace gases in the atmosphere. ACTRIS’ main focus is to improve the understanding of how short-lived climate drivers affect each other, the climate, air pollution and human health. Norway contributes strongly to ACTRIS; NILU manages the ACTRIS data center for the entire infrastructure, and Norwegian observatories supply a wide range of atmospheric measurements to ACTRIS.

The project ACTRIS-Norway started on 1 August 2022, with funding from the Norwegian Research Council's "National investment in research infrastructure". ACTRIS-Norway will, among other things, make the sharing of climate and air pollution data easier and more user-friendly, while also increasing data quality. ACTRIS-Norway will also make services and data from ACTRIS more accessible to both Norwegian scientists and scientists worldwide. The project will significantly upgrade the EBAS-database. EBAS handles all ACTRIS data measured at the ground. Part of the work will focus on improved real-time data flow, as well as making data more FAIR. Furthermore, the project will develop and implement a new ACTRIS data portal, which will be the gateway to all ACTRIS data and data products. In collaboration with the ACTRIS-Norway partners Meteorological Institute and CICERO, several combined data products will also be developed.

The NILU-led ACTRIS data center contains data from European observatories, which are also part of global monitoring networks. These observatories produce long-term time series based on strict operational standards. There are around 80 ACTRIS observatories, three of which are Norwegian:

  • Zeppelin observatory on Svalbard
  • Trollhaugen observatory in Antarctica
  • Birkenes observatory in Agder
You can read more about them here: Norwegian ACTRIS stations.


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Explore the atmosphere with the ACTRIS data portal

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ACTRIS-Norway after two years of work

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ACTRIS-Norway after one year of work

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ACTRIS-Norway 2nd Annual Meeting

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ACTRIS ERIC – a European Research Infrastructure Consortium for atmospheric research data and services

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Nytt ACTRIS-instrument avduket på Meteorologisk institutt

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Kickoff for ACTRIS-Norway

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Forskningsrådsmillioner til ACTRIS-datasenter, EBAS og Troll